Tattoo Competitions

Tattoo Competitions & Awards


“Enter Your Skin to Win” custom Hell City Tattoo Festival awards!


Get those tattoos ready for the tattoo contest at the @hell_city main stage in 2025. We’ve added a special best Star Wars tattoo competition category to our Fests next year as the weekend lands on Star WArs weekend May 2nd–4th in Ohio and also August 22nd-24th in Arizona! Be sure not to miss the Star Wars costume contest also where you can win cash and prizes, be sure to visit the Official #hellcitytattoofest website at !

If you would like to enter your tattoo in one of the many competition categories, simply sign up at the HC main stage prior to the competitions starting. Registration for each tattoo is $15 which is non refundable! Tattoo of the Day all 3 days and NEW BEST IN SHOW are free if you are an attending Hell City artist. Worst Tattoo on Saturday night is Free too… Come show us your terrible tattoo! It’s always hilarious and a crowd favorite!!!! If you are entering your tattoo, it must be fully healed or it will not be judged. 

If you would like to enter your tattoo in one of the many competition categories, simply sign up at the main stage prior to the competitions starting. Registration for each tattoo is $15 which is non refundable & Tattoo of the Day is free if you are an attending Hell City artist. If you are entering your tattoo, it must be fully healed or it will not be judged, see rules below. 

Those who take home Hell City awards will take their place upon the Hell City Podium O’ Death during the awards ceremonies. Contest winners will also be photographed on the Podium O’ Death for magazine coverage and be posted in Hell City website photos. Custom Hell City awards will be given to winners by Official Hell City Hotties.

All competitions are as impartial as humanly possible. No sore losers please!!

Hosted by Emcee Superfly Jeff Solin! 

Tattoo Competition Schedule


12 pm – 8 pm – Tattoo Competition Registration – $15 per entry- (Register at Main Stage)

8 pm – 11 pm – Competitions & Awards – (Main Stage)

Tattoo Awards Given after each category is finished being judged – Awards given to winners by
 Hell City Hotties – (Main Stage)

*Best Asian Tattoo
*Best New School
*Most Unusual & Weird

*Best Traditional
*Best Geometric Tattoo
*Best Hand / Foot Tattoo
*Tattoo Of The Day  



12 pm – 8 pm – Tattoo Competition Registration – $15 per entry- (Register at Main Stage)

8 pm – 11 pm – Competitions – (Main Stage)

Tattoo Awards Given after each category is finished being judged – Awards given to winners by
 Hell City Hotties – (Main Stage)

*Best Bounty Hunter Costume
*Best Small Color
*Best Small Black & Grey
*Best Bio / Organic
*Best Arm / Leg Sleeve
*Best Back Piece / Chest Panel
*Tattoo Of The Day 



12 pm – 5 pm – Tattoo Competition Registration – $15 per entry- (Register at Main Stage)

5 pm – 8 pm – Competitions – (Main Stage)

Tattoo Awards Given after each category is finished being judged – Awards given to winners by
 Hell City Hotties – (Main Stage)

*Best Large Color
*Best Large Black & Grey – (includes tribal)
*Best Portrait – (color or b&g)
*Best Overall Female
*Best Overall Male
*Artist of Show
*Best Wet Painter
*Tattoo Of The Day 
*Best Of Show





Star Wars Tattoo Competition


Star Wars Costume Contest

Bounty Hunter Competition 


Prepare yourself for the biggest "BOUNTY HUNTER" SFX MAKEUP COMPETITION in the GALAXY!!!! Contest sign up and details coming this weekend!


Application Process is NOW open! Last day to apply for competition will be no later than 11pm on April 25, 2025.

Competition Rules - CLICK HERE

Saturday May 4, 2025
400 N High St. Columbus OH 43215



New Judges Choice Voting System at Hell City Tattoo Competitions

OHIO 2025 Judges:

Fud Ruckus
Jonathon Anderson
Amber Joy
Ron Earhart
Iggy Sweeney
Dave Tevenal 

Back up Judges for Friday
Russ Abbott
Matt Sears
Travis Chick

Casey Jones
Jonathon Anderson
Iggy Sweeney
Zak Perry
Dave Tevenal 

Back up Judges for Saturday
Russ Abbott 
Pepe Carire

Russ Abbott
Chris Taylor
Sam Dustin
Iggy Sweeney 
Dave Tevenal 

Backup Judges For Sunday
Amber Joy 
Ron Earhart

Hell City innovative approach to tattoo competition judging!

The all new Hell City judges choice voting system is an exciting NEW way to judge today’s modern action packed tattoo competitions with judges voting LIVE for their top tattoo choices that take the mainstage to compete as they all enter their skin to win. This all new system will be implemented into Hell City, with the same crucial judging criteria that defines who are clearly the top winners. This LIVE tattoo competition voting system makes judging each tattoo fluent, precise and allows the winners the be declared right when each category has been judged with custom awards being given out by the official Hell City Hotties after every category!

The carefully selected judges every day will critique their favorite tattoos that get presented to them, studying every aspect from line work, to shading, to composition, to color solidity and many more aspects to nominate their top favorite tattoos in each category to 1st. Awards will now be given immediately after each category gets judged, making the results nearly instant, making the LIVE interaction of the judging, the audience and competitors an exciting experience!


Want to be a tattoo competition judge at Hell City?

“Hellaciously Good Judges”

If you would like to be in official tattoo competition judge on the Hell City main stage this year please reply with the following information for your chance to join the other tattoo judges in front of the crowd of Hellions to judge all of the amazing tattoos they get entered into this year‘s tattoo competitions!

A panel of carefully selected tattoo artists will judge the tattoo competition. Experienced Judges will join us again this year to judge the hundreds of amazing tattoos that will enter to win one of a kind awards. Their expert opinion and outlook on the art of tattooing is respected worldwide, which really makes them “One Hell Of Good Judges” at this years tattoo competitions! We always carefully choose the perfect judges every year at Hell City, which has brought legendary artists to the main stage for some intense tattoo judging.

Want to be a judge at Hell City?


The Hell City tattoo competition judging is done with an odd number of judges to keep it always fair with a tiebreaker judge so we require either 3-5 judges to judge our competitions.

Upon entering the stage the judges receive a set of three judges cards. The rules are explained to the judges before bringing up the contestants. The judges then stand to the far side of the stage while the contestants are brought onto the stage.

As the contestants are brought onto the stage for viewing by the judges in front of the audience, the entry form is then taken from the Contestant and kept for entry records.

Typically each category will have Many contestants that need broken down into groups of 10–12 contestants moving onto the next wave once the judges have narrowed the first group of contestants down to the top three. The following top three from each wave of contestants go into one grand finale wave of the top three from each wave previously.

Judges begin judging, the judges received a total of three cards or tokens that they will be handing out. When the judges begin judging they will view all of the tattoos in a beginning viewing rotation before giving any passes or tokens out. Each judge makes sure they give a viewing time to each contestant that is on the main stage during each wave.

Once the judges make a decision, the judges will give out one card or token to their favorite tattoos on the stage in each wave. The contestant with the most cards or tokens wins and the following top count will take second and third place.

After the judge has given out their passes or tokens, they step back to the side of the stage where they began while the other judges complete their votes. Judges are allowed to deliberate about winners or other details about the tattoos they are judging to allow for a complete fair And open dialogue between the artists judging the tattoos.



*** 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place awards will be given for most categories. 1st place winners also receive an Official HC Medallion in addition to their custom award!
*** Contest registration is at the main stage prior to competitions.
*** You CAN NOT enter your tattoo into more than 2 categories/ You can only enter the same tattoo twice, no exceptions.
*** It will cost $15 to enter each category. The entry fee is NON REFUNDABLE!! Tattoo Of The Day is free to enter!!
*** Be sure to be present 30 minutes prior to competing. No refunds for no shows!
*** Tattoos must be FULLY HEALED in order to enter tattoo competitions except for Tattoo Of The Day.
*** Tattoo Of The Day tattoos must be properly cleaned up and presentable (i.e. not seeping or bleeding).
*** Tattoo Of The Day is free to enter! You must have your tattoo done by an Attending HC Tattoo Artist that day of the fest.
*** Tattoo of the Day will have only one trophy that will be given daily.
*** Hell City is not responsible for any damaged items entered in competitions, or hurt feelings resulting from competitions.

*** By entering Hell City and Hell City Tattoo Competitions you release Hell City Ltd. of any and all legalities stemming from copyrighted tattoos, artwork, material or anything in regards to copyrighted tattoos, photographs, clothing or anything else deemed copyrighted or trademarked.
*** Hell City Ltd. is not legally responsible for attendees falsifying artist information upon registration or during competitions.
** If a tattoo artist or creator of tattoo artwork does not want their work to be entered in competitions, photographed, displayed or any other visual appreciation at Hell City, it is their legal responsibility to let the client/ wearer know this and take appropriate actions to ensure that the client does not enter competitions. The client takes full responsibility for future legalities stemming from such an issue and holds Hell City harmless.

*** Any and all photos taken of tattoos at Hell City by official Hell City Tattoo Festival photographers are solely the property of Hell City Ltd.

Meet Louie Safire - HC Mascots

All Hail "Louie Safire", the newest Hell City mascot devil for HC Killumbus featuring incredible makeup and effects by our friend and evil mastermind Todd Reed! Be sure to keep an eye out while roaming the depths of HELL for the towering "Louie Safire" making his way through the gates of Hell City and also various times at the main stage during acts and various awards.  Brace your souls to meet Louie at the Hell City main stage every day during the tattoo competitions, grab your photos and have one hell of a good time!


Hell City Contest winners 2022 Killumbus, OH


Best Asian Themed Tattoo

Winner: Matt. Artist: Christian Levkus Studio: Gallery 4Twelve

2nd Place: Andy

3rd Place: Phil

Best New School Piece

Winner: Brandon. Artist: Nick Mitchell Studio: Loose Screw Tattoo

2nd Place: Smasher

3rd Place: Nicole

Best Biomech/Organic

Winner: Forrest. Artist: Ty McEwen Studio: The Blind Tiger Tattoo

2nd Place: Jay

3rd Place: Jim

Most Unusual/Abstract Piece

Winner: Ed. Artist: Even Olin Studio: Powerline Tattoo

2nd Place: Rene Levkus

3rd Place: Rob

Best Traditional Piece

Winner: Rene Levkus. Artist: Christian Levkus Studio: Gallery 4Twelve

2nd Place: Chelsea

3rd Place: Britney

Tattoo of the Day

Winner: Samantha. Artist: Evan Olin & Andy Large Studio: Powerline Tattoo


Best Small Color Piece

Winner: Ed. Artist: Evan Olin Studio: Powerline Tattoo

2nd Place: Taylor

3rd Place: Brian

Best Small Black & Grey Piece

Winner: Nicole. Artist: Gabe Londis Studio: 9th Realm Gallery

2nd Place: LeAnne

3rd Place: Susanne

Best Arm/Leg Piece

Winner: Sam. Artist: Lefty Colbert Studio: Lefty's Tattoo Parlor

2nd Place: Brandon

3rd Place: Andy

Best Torso/Back Piece

Winner: Smasher. Artist: Jesse Smith Studio: Loose Screw Tattoo

2nd Place: Forrest

3rd Place: Cara

Tattoo of the Day

Winner: Hugo. Artist: Rocket Rodriguez Studio: Sanctuary Tattoo Gallery


Best Large Color Piece

Winner: Bianne. Artist: Timothy Boor Studio: Bohemian Tattoo Club

2nd Place: Tony

3rd Place: Brandon

Best Large Black & Grey

Winner: LeAnne. Artist: Gabe Londis Studio: 9th Realm Gallery

2nd Place: Sam

3rd Place: Lil Dizzle

Best Portrait

Winner: Nicole. Artist: Gabe Londis Studio: 9th Realm Gallery

2nd Place: Rob

3rd Place: Shawn

Best Overall Female

Winner: Fawn Baker. Artists: Russ Abbott, Ty McEwen, Adam France, & Others

2nd Place: Rae

3rd Place: Andrea

Best Overall Male

Winner: Sam. Artists: Lefty Colbert, Gabe Londis, Edgar Marquez, & Others

2nd Place: Tony

3rd Place: Forrest

Tattoo of the Day

Winner: Kyle. Artist: Tony Vilella Studio: Inkology Tattoo

Wet Paint 

Winner: Max Egy

Artist of the Day

Winner: Gabe Londis 

HellCity Contest winners 2019 Phoenix, AZ 

Friday Phoenix 2018 Best Traditional Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 2 Gaige Parolicy 183.62 J Espinosa leg
2 9 Kristina Vasic 177.22 2533 Mario G tiger/snake/thigh
3 6 Jason Williams 174.62 2520 Mikey Starrat right calf

Friday Phoenix 2018 Best Asian Tattoo Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 6 Dale usnier 185.93 2510 Anthony romero Left thigh
2 5 mark wolf 182.94 2504 derrick jefferson back/sleeve/chest
3 10 Austin Scott 178.24 2525 Paulo Right full sleeve

Friday Phoenix 2018 Best New School Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 1 josh green 167.11 2511 big greg left thigh
2 3 erin wannamaker 153.03 scotty munster left inner thigh
3 4 haiie Henricks 149.89 2521 Mark Durant rght inner calf

Friday Phoenix 2018 Best Biomech / Organic Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 1 matt driscoll 185.68 2494 ron earhart chest piece
2 6 Clay Weaver 183.17 2507 Jason Athoney Left full sleeve
3 9 lacy SInger 173.55 2523 Nick Lawrence left leg sleeve

Friday Phoenix 2018 Most Unusual / Wierd Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 4 Diamond Dolia 158.85 2506 Hollist full leg sleeve
2 12 sarah kochishen 141.19 2530 brandon bracamonte right ankle
3 3 Jason Windhem 136.47 2505 Jonny Solary bondage/rib peice

ToTD Friday Phoenix 2018 Tattoo of The Day Friday Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 24 Weldon hunt 170.35 Matt driscoll Right cankle

Saturday Phoenix 2018 Best Small Color Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 21 rowan magennis 224.61 2609 Tray Rose
2 4 Daniel luna 221.83 Dillon loos Side on his left calf
3 17 Kelly graff 221.59 Rember A Painted face

Saturday Phoenix 2018 Best Small Black & Grey - (includes tribal) Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 38 Faith patterson 253.88 2635 Syrus slay Upper arm
2 8 Jerrod gonzalves 247.98 Andy pho Side on inner upper left arm
3 34 Marcus Rad 239.15 2625 Manuel flowers Sunglasses

Saturday Phoenix 2018 Best Arm/Leg Sleeve Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 39 Jake ingersoll 281.88 2662 Andy pho Predator
2 10 Pawel T 281.24 levgen Mortal combat arm
3 9 Pawel T 280.82 levgen Star wars on leg

Saturday Phoenix 2018 Best Backpiece / Chest Panel Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 12 Archie 276.67 2611 Sivak Black and grey cock head
2 9 Dale turner 267.54 2608 Rob forrer Cemetery back piece
3 10 Amanda baily 255.71 Rob forrer Space woman

Saturday Phoenix 2018 Worst Tattoo Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Description
1 5 Damien bailey 1671.6 2661 Upper back

ToTD Phoenix Saturday 2018 Tattoo of The Day Saturday Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 21 Lauren dunman 275.66 2673 Matt murray Upper left thigh

Sunday Phoenix 2018 Best Large Color Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 4 Austin Scott 259.21 2693 Paulo Right arm color
2 22 Tyler cooper 257.66 Rob forrer
3 10 Blame soltz 249.24 2711 Rember Woman on right upper forearm

Sunday Phoenix 2018 Best Large Black & Grey - (includes tribal) Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 13 Rember orellana 271.65 Carlos torres Two chicks on right abs
2 17 Chris fryer 258.07 2729 Brandon albus Hellraiser
3 9 Brandon medford 252.12 Angel renosa Right leg statue

Sunday Phoenix 2018 Best Portrait - (color or b&g) Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 29 Oscar cifuentes 238.37 2728 Steve Wimmer Stomach
2 25 Jacob ignersoll 235.92 2718 Any fho Arm
3 28 Chris fryer 234.03 2727 Brandon albus Emmitt smith

Sunday Phoenix 2018 Best Overall Female Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 5 Melody daily 236.33 Guy atchinson Everywhere
2 4 Monica Brito 221.39 Rob forrer Full body
3 3 Jan MArie 215.12 Chris Caball Everything

Sunday Phoenix 2018 Best Overall Male Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 3 Billy jack 225.5 Shitloads Everywhere
2 2 Brandon albus 216 2725 Rember Quinn hernandez Chick on right side of chest
3 4 Tyler cooper 212.25 2756 Rob forrer Everywhere

ToTD Sunday Phoenix 2018 Tattoo Of The Day Sunday Phoenix 2018
Place Id Name Score Image Artist Description
1 17 James Riley 232.45 Matt stebly Hip